April, 2018
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CATCH AND COOK: Thai Battered Barramundi

My first ever CATCH AND COOK episode! Very exciting stuff, because not only did the Thai Inspired Battered Barramundi taste amazing, but I also caught my biggest Barra ever on the day. I let the big girl go of course and we cooked up another fish that my mate AshRead More …
VIDEO: McArthur River Barramundi Fishing

Launching from King Ash Bay Fishing Club, fishing the McArthur River. Usually I like to bait fish and use big mullet for catching Barramundi. I had heard that a lot of Barra were being caught on lures recently, so I thought I would have a crack at it. Fishing forRead More …
VIDEO: Buildup Barra Fishing

For a long time I’ve been telling people Barramundi Fishing during the buildup is the best time of year. I’m hoping that this will be the first of a whole series of videos of me catching Barra during this years Buildup, and proving that it’s the best time of yearRead More …
VIDEO: “Living The Dream” Fishing Compilation

“Living The Dream” fishing compilation is a quick video containing some of the best footage I have taken over the past few months. Mostly fishing, but also having other fun too. Stay tuned for another Living The Dream compilation (part 2) maybe next year.
VIDEO: Two Night Gulf Creek Adventure

This was an epic adventure like no other I had ever gone on before. I head 100KM from home by water with my mate Ash. We take two boats. We spend two nights up a secluded creek. We were completely “OFF GRID” except for the fact that Ash brought hisRead More …
VIDEO: Darwin LAND BASED Barramundi Fishing

On a recent trip to Darwin I went out trying to catch the Million Dollar Fish. After having no luck, I was invited out fishing by a couple of blokes I met on Facebook. They took me to a really nice spot, but the weather and tides were not ideal.Read More …
VIDEO: Fishing the CROOKED CREEK Part 1

Fishing the Crooked Creek Part 1. I had a great morning fishing out the front of the Crooked Creek. I went inside The Crooked for the afternoon and had no luck, so I am going to go back out Fishing the Crooked again for PART 2. I hope you enjoyRead More …
VIDEO: How to Throw a Cast Net

Just a really quick lesson today folks. Throwing the cast net is essential if you want to fish with live bait in the Northern Territory. This method was taught to me by my dad, and I find it the easiest way to throw a cast net. In this 1 minuteRead More …
VIDEO REVIEW: Savage Gear 3D Shrimp

Today I received some Savage Gear 3D Shrimp fishing lures in the mail. I had seen them on “Andy’s Fishing” which is one of my favourite YouTube channels. I thought they would work really good where I live near Borroloola and King Ash Bay Fishing Club. So in this video,Read More …
VIDEO: Chasing Barra in the Carrington Channel.

Firstly, the Carrington can be found on the McArthur River near King Ash Bay. The McArthur River can be followed to the right or you can turn left and head down the Carrington Channel. Both the McArthur and the Carrington reach the Gulf of Carpentaria at the Pellew Group ofRead More …