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Barra Fishing and Mud Crabbing (Darwin Creek Australia)

Mud crabs and fresh Barramundi. The perfect combination for a Catch and Cook episode. That was the plan anyway. We actually did catch both Barra and Mud Crabs, but unfortunately the fishing wasn’t good enough to bring anything home for the Catch and Cook. The fishing location today was upRead More …
Superstitions (Barra Fishing Shady Camp)

Some days, things just don’t go right. What started off as a Fishing trip to Corroboree Billabong, turned into a Fishing trip to Shady Camp Barrage 8 days later. More specifically, Shady Camp Barrage boat ramp is where we launched from. The mouth of Sampan Creek is where we wereRead More …
Secret Women’s Business (SWB) Barra Challenge

Organised by the Palmerston Game Fishing Club, the Secret Women’s Business Barra Challenge is a fishing competition held on Corroboree Billabong each year for female only competitors. Some other women only fishing comps allow a male skipper to be on board the vessel. But not the SWB Barra Challenge. IRead More …
Territory Night at King Ash Bay 2019

My dad and I drive down from Darwin to King Ash Bay Fishing Club to do some fishing and have some fun along the way. Territory Day / Territory Night in the Northern Territory is awesome fun. It’s the only day of the year that you can legally buy andRead More …
Fishing Corroboree Billabong with Surface Lures

It’s a bit of a dream to fish Corroboree Billabong for so many reasons: The billabong is just over an hour drive from Darwin Being a fresh water billabong, there is no need to worry about the enormous tides that Darwin experiences No need to flush the motor when youRead More …
Fishing at Night in Darwin Harbour

After a big day at work I head out to Darwin Harbour for a fishing session with my boss. He had been out fishing in the harbour a couple of nights earlier and caught some really good fish as well as some squid. So I wanted to go out andRead More …
Sometimes the Barra fight back!

I went fishing for Barramundi in Darwin Harbour. There are loads of small creeks shooting off the harbour to choose from. Up one creek I was lucky enough to catch a few fish. The best lure for the day was the Zerek Live Shrimp. As you can probably tell fromRead More …
Fishing the Daly River

Small disclaimer: I caught ZERO FISH on this trip. “Daly River Donuts” A lot of fishing and effort for no fish. But if you decide to watch the video, I hope you enjoy. It was a great trip. Only a couple of hours drive from Darwin is the iconic BarramundiRead More …
Leaders Creek Fishing (Darwin)

Only a short drive from Darwin you will find Leaders Creek. It’s only a 40ish minute drive, but you feel like you’re a million miles away. Over 2018/2019 the road has been upgraded almost the entire way to the Leaders Creek boat ramp. The road to Leaders Creek is BitumenRead More …
Stay out of the Shipping Channel

Darwin Harbour is so different to the kind of fishing I’m used to. Back where I used to live on the McArthur River near Borroloola, you never had to contend with too many other boats and certainly not ships. The shipping channel in Darwin Harbour can be good for fishing,Read More …
Fishing Darwin Harbour Wrecks

I’ve lived in Darwin for about a year now. And I still have so much to learn about the fishing here. Darwin Harbour has A LOT of wrecks. And most of them are meant to be good for fishing. I’ve found out over time that it’s not quite that simple.Read More …