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VLOG & REVIEW: Wind, Repairs & Stabilization

If you’re interested some different ways to stabilize your shaky footage, then make sure to watch the last few minutes of this video. The main focus of this video is to field test my new Zhiyun Smooth-Q 3-Axis Gimbal. During Winter across the Northern Territory it tends to be windy.Read More …
VLOG: Just a quick update. No fishing yet.

Just a quick video today folks. A status update on my boat Flanders. I hope to get out there Fishing ASAP.
VLOG: My Boat Flanders

It’s about time I introduced you to my boat “Flanders.” In this video I show you around my boat and a little bit about where I live. My boat is powered by an Evinrude Etec, and I also give you my opinion on Etec’s. It is not unreasonable for someoneRead More …